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Ticket Filters 
filters search tickets

EvantoDesk gives you great flexibility when filtering tickets. You can save your own filter sets so that you can quickly see your saved lists with just 1-click.

The filters are located at the top of the ticket inbox screen.

Save a new filter set.
To save a set of filters, add the filter set name into the 'New filter set name' text-box and hit the return key.

Add a new filter to the set.
You can then add filters to the set by clicking on a filter or dragging it into the filter area.

Remove a filter from the set.
Simply click on the filter to remove it from the filter set.

Apply any changes to the inbox.
To apply any new filters you have added or removed from the set, click the 'Apply' button.

Clear filters.
Click the 'Clear' button.

Show/hide possible filters.
Click the show/hide filters icon next to the 'Apply' button.

Select a filter set.
Click on the filter set name e.g. to select the 'Critical' filter set in the screenshot below, just click on the name. The inbox will automatically be updated.

Edit filter set name.
Click on the name of the selected filter and change it. It will automatically save.

Delete a filter set.
Click on the orange x on the filter set you wish to delete.

Filter without saving to a set.
Click the 'Clear' button before adding filters to the filter area (circled in green below).

And here is a screenshot of the filters.

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