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Folders - Adding & Removing Tickets 
Folders Add Ticket To Folder Remove Ticket From Folder

Add A Ticket To A Folder
 Tickets can be added to folders in various ways as detailed below.
Drag & Drop
Drag the ticket from the ticket list into a folder. You'll need to drag in the actual ticket number e.g. the # followed by the ticket number e.g. #275.  If successful, the folder will flash green and you'll see a green confirmation box on the right hand side of the screen, as shown below:
By Typing
You can also add it by typing it directly into the folders popup box. To do this click on the Folders link that each ticket has on the ticket list page:
When you click on the Folders link, you'll see this popup box:
Start typing the name of the folder you wish to add the ticket to, and select it from the list that appears. That's it, it's been added!
By Workflows
You can add tickets to folders using workflows i.e. Dispatch Rules, Monitor Rules and Auto Rules.  In each type of workflow there is an actions section and it is here that you can add an action that adds the ticket to a specific folder.
Remove A Ticket From A Folder
Tickets can be removed from a folders in various ways as detailed below.
Delete It
You can remove it by deleting it from the folders popup box. To do this click on the Folders link that each ticket has on the ticket list page:
When you click on the Folders link, you'll see this popup box:
Click on the orange x to remove the ticket from the folder. And that's it! It's now no longer in the folder.
By Workflows
You can remove tickets from folders using workflows i.e. Dispatch Rules, Monitor Rules and Auto Rules.  In each type of workflow there is an actions section and it is here that you can add an action that removes the ticket from a specific folder.

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