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Folders - Adding, Editing & Deleting 

Folders are a great way of organizing your tickets. Combined with workflows, they can enable powerful, efficient and accurate ticket processing, time after time.
Adding A Folder
Go to Admin and click on the Folders link under the 'Workflows' section (or click on the add folder button on the ticket list page as shown below).
There are a few standard EvantoDesk folders that you cannot edit, such as Inbox, Closed, Spam, Trash etc. You can however change the order in which they appear on the ticket list page (see the instructions for this below).
To add a folder of your own click the 'Add Folder' button. Then give the folder a name, and indicate who it should be visible to. It can be visible to just yourself, all agents or just agents in specific groups. You can optionally add any tags to associate with this folder. Any ticket that has at least one of the tags will be included in the folder. Once you're happy, click the Add Folder button. Your newly added folder will appear in the folder list.
The folder list is shown below. You can drag and drop the folders into your preferred order. Once happy, click the Save Order button,
And that's it with regards to adding folders!
Editing A Folder
To edit a folder go to the Admin > Folders page (in the 'Workflows' section). Then simply click on the Edit button in the folder list and make any changes to the required folder (e.g. change the name or who it is visible to).
Deleting A Folder
To delete a folder click on the Delete button in the list.  Please note: if you do delete a folder, all of the tickets in that folder will not be deleted and can still be accessed from the standard folders or any other custom folders the ticket is in.

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