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Email Integration 
email integration respond from email email

Option 1:
Creating a ticket on behalf of a customer directly from your own email
If a customer sends an email to your personal email address, you can easily convert it into a ticket by forwarding the email to EvantoDesk. The email must be forwarded from the email address you use as an agent to sign into EvantoDesk (or one of your EvantoDesk support email addresses e.g. EvantoDesk will automatically pick up the customer's email address from the email you forward.

Optional Commands
Any of the following commands can also be included anywhere in the email. Note the square brackets must be present to enclose the command value.
@customer [email address of customer] - EvantoDesk will pick this up automatically so no need to add unless you'd like to change it to something different.
@assign [ me or first name/ last name/ full name/ email address of another agent]
@status [ open, resolved, closed, on hold ]
@note [the content of the note]
@reply [the content of the reply you want to send to the customer]
@subject [the subject you'd like to give the ticket]
@tag  [any tags you want to add to the ticket (comma separated)]
@folder [any folders you want to add the ticket to]

e.g. if the following is contained in the email you forward:

@customer []
@assign [sue]
@status [on hold]
@note [Sue can you reply please I'm still stuck in the meeting!]
@reply [Hi Tedd - thanks for your email. I'm out of the office but my colleague Sue will get back to you today. Best, John.]
@subject [Bike Test]
@tag [bike test, repeat customer]
@folder [dispatch today, new order]

the ticket will:
  • be from
  • assigned to Sue
  • set to a status of On-Hold
  • have a private note added to it with the content 'Sue can you reply please I'm still stuck in the meeting!'
  • will receive a reply from you of 'Hi Tedd - thanks for your email. I'm out of the office but my colleague Sue will get back to you today. Best, John.'
  • have a subject of 'Bike Test'
  • have the tags 'bike test' and 'repeat customer'
  • be added to the folders 'dispatch today' and 'New Order'

Place-holders for the @reply command
You can place any of the following placeholders in the @reply command, and EvantoDesk will automatically replace them with the actual data. Note the commands are case-sensitive so must be all in lower case.


For example the following command:

@reply [Hi Sue.

Your ticket is being dealt with by the {groupname}. It's been given an id of {ticketid} and you can view it at {ticketurl}

Cheers, Ben]

Will result in the following reply being sent to the customer:

Hi Sue.

Your ticket is being dealt with by the Support Team. It's been given an id of 3245 and you can view it at

Cheers, Ben

Option 2:
Running commands on an existing ticket directly from your own email address.
Sometimes you may wish to run commands on an existing ticket directly from your own email address.  To do this, you must follow these four golden rules:

Rule 1
The email must be sent from the email address you use as an agent to sign into EvantoDesk (or one of your EvantoDesk support email addresses e.g.

Rule 2
The email must contain the command @id [the ticket id]. Note the square brackets must be present to enclose the Ticket Id.

Rule 3
The email must not contain the command @customer [email] as @customer over-rides the @id command.

Rule 4
You must have permission to manage the ticket that you add the Ticket Id for.

And finally.....
It's important to note that:
Email Commands will will over-ride any dispatch rules that are performed on the ticket.
Email Commands only work on tickets that are less than 1 year old unless the ticket is still open, resolved or on-hold.

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