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Create An SPF And DKIM Record 
spf record dkim record DNS

If you have an email address such as info@mycompany,com you can optionally add what's called an SPF and DKIM record to your DNS record. Ouch, sounds complicated right?! Don't worry it's not too bad and should just take 5 minutes - plus we are always here to help if you get stuck.

If you don't add an SPF and DKIM record then you can still receive and reply to emails using EvantoDesk so this step is optional. However, any replies you send will be sent from your EvantoDesk forwarding email address rather than your own email address This is because otherwise you may fall foul of (rightly) stringent anti-spam rules and your email may end up in your customers spam folder.

Adding an SPF and DKIM record will vary according to which domain provider you use but try and follow these steps:

Step 1:
Click on the Dashboard > Admin menu option and then click on the 'Email Addresses' link under the email section of the Admin page.

Step 2:
Look under the section Domains and click the 'Get SPF & DKIM records'. When these populate, go to Step 3.

Step 3:
Go to your domain registration website (e.g. GoDaddy or 123-reg etc) and sign in and find the DNS settings section.

Step 4:
Add the SPF and DKIM record. If your DNS settings already contain an spf record value, you can just append the EvantoDesk spf value to it - see sections 4.1 and 4.2 below.

Step 4.1: no SPF recordcurrently
Add v=spf1 ~all as the spf value.

Step 4.2: already has an SPF record
If your DNS already has an SPF record e.g. v=spf1 ~all, then just append the EvantoDesk value to it so it becomes:

v=spf1 ~all



Step 5:
That's it. We'll check periodically that your DNS settings have been updated and, once they have, we'll update your account automatically so that emails from EvantoDesk get sent from your own email address. You're welcome to go to the Admin > Email Addresses page and click the 'Check DNS records' link at any time to do a manual check. Once the records have propagated then EvantoDesk will update and you will see a green this domain has been verified message.

If your DNS provider will not accept the hostname value we have given you, you'll need to try different values. For the SPF record: try and input @ into the hostname instead of the value we gave you. For the DKIM Record: try and input the value but without the domain part i.e. just enter xxx._domainkey. and leave out the part of the hostname value.

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